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What do ‘direct investments’and real estate have to offer?

18 mei 2014

Clavis is an independent family office based in ’s-Hertogenbosch that started operating in 2008. Clavis has 17 employees and works for an increasing number of wealthy clients/families. Clavis plans to open an office in Amsterdam later in 2014 or early in 2015. Clavis has three lines of business: wealth structuring, trust services and asset management. Clavis’ claim to fame is that it combines these three lines under one roof (see picture), which enables the office to assist their clients in the whole value chain of wealth management. That means that Clavis is very different from many other advisors that only deal with one discipline. Clavis is growing substantially and won the prestigious Financieel Dagblad Gazelle prize in 2012 and 2013. They have already met the criteria for the 2014 award. Michiel Dill and Paul van Hastenberg joined us for an interview.

Property in perspective – Michiel Dill & Paul van Hastenberg

We nodigen je van harte uit voor een gesprek.

Ben je geïnteresseerd in Clavis? Praat eens met Floris of John. Wij zetten onze expertise graag in.

Floris Mutsaerts

Floris Mutsaerts

John Vermeule

John Vermeule


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